Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another new leaf.

I've gotten into twitter. If you want to know what I'm doing day to day and occasionally minute to minute, this is it.

I am trying to get my shit together. I realize that Time management is killing me.
Reading these blog posts are helping me. You should read them too.

I am also seeing a trend in some bloggers, to where they will just blog a paragraph or two, and don't need to blog a multi-page novella. They also blog some fairly self-serving things. (I don't know why I considered that wrong, after all, it is my blog.) So you will start seeing some of that.
(In that realm, I am going to start to build Habs for people. If you want one, let me know. I have a team, including a real licensed (Why do I have such a hard time spelling that word?) professional builder, and several of the Engineering Team to help. These will be extremely energy efficient, and could be self-sufficient. Next stage will be extremely energy efficient appliances and building techniques. The overall idea is to reduce the cost of living. Someday I'll add transportation to that. I've been wanting to build electric and hybrids for a long time, like 26 years now.)

I'm also going to use this to time stamp some of my ideas, because I am ever so sick and tired of inventing so fracking many things and never getting any credit for them. I find it perpetually maddening that I've thought of so much, but for lack of financing or whatever can never develop them to market, and then loose the idea to someone else.

For example, I have ideas in the form of robotic controls using VR tech, but in real life, or a method for "transmitting" smell over a wire, (Really a way of synthetically creating smells controlled by a piece of software.) or a way of storing H2 cheaply, or a way of doing VR SO much better than it is being done now. I need to check with someone to see just how much information I could leave here.

And I have a bunch of pictures. I think I will not post too many here, but from the phone camera (I need to get a better one.) I'll leave the pictures on Facebook.

I also still feel like I need to censor this blog, so I will create another one that I won't drop so much personally identifiable information, but I actually will say anything and everything I feel. That is where the real me will live. You'll have to find it on your own.

Lastly, I'll start throwing out some of the less controversial or illegal thoughts here.

For example, I am starting to hate people in general, with very few exceptions. I saw something on TV a while ago, and it really made me hurt. It was a bit of video of someone crying. An adult. That made me hurt on so many levels. It made me cry because what whas making him cry was caused by another person. I couldn't understand what was going on in the offending person's head to cause them to make someone else that much suffering. "Why?" I thought, "What could be driving you so that you would want to cause someone that much suffering that they would cry on TV?" People like that should not be allowed to live. Life is too short, rare or not, to allow this kind of suffering. What kind of a cruel fuck could do this to someone else?

It also made me think, Some times you don't have a choice. It makes me wonder about personal interaction. Now, in this case, the evil fuck's intentions were just that, evil, he intended to cause harm for power selfish, greedy reasons. but what about the other reason for that kind of suffering? What about Love? It is one thing to curb selfish desires. There is nothing positive that can come from that, but what about Love? I can't love everyone, well, not like that. And, the one who loves me, but I do not love will suffer. What can be done about that? I don't know. But it certainly adds force to my feeling that I can, and do love many. I never have understood the need for people to only love one other. I think it mostly comes from insecurity, a lack of self-esteem, and when we know who we are, and truly accept who we are, and love ourselves, and don't depend on the love of another we won't feel the need to try to "Keep what we have". Once we are past that, we can truly Love without inhibition, and without fear. If she leaves me? So? I obviously wasn't what she needed. To try to "Keep her" is nothing but a pitiful attempt to force my will on her, and means that I don't truly love her. If I did, I would want the best for her. Even if that best wasn't me. So, I guess the "If you love it, set it free" is indeed true. The next logical extension from that is the complete lack of jealousy. If I was jealous, that would mean that I was fearful that the other she is with might be better than me, and then, she would see that and go on to them. OK, So what. If they are better for her, (and I need to add that for me, because I can't say that they are better than me everywhere.) then I would want her to go to them, or I don't really have their best interests at heart, and I don't really love them. This same thought process also means that I shouldn't mind sharing. Now, I have some issues with sharing for various medical and biological issues. (For one thing, if their is a child, who's is it? I know, we could test, but that's a pain, and expensive, and so on.) I understand I might be flawed in my thinking here, and I invite open even anonymous comments on this topic, but I do think I am heading in the right direction.

All of that sounds hilarious coming from me, considering I am the king of self-loathing, but I guess I had a RAH inspired moment of clarity. Perhaps if we all could understand that, life would be simpler? Probably not. People aren't that smart, they are too driven by there basal feelings, and it is easier to stay there. (Read "Time enough for love" some time.)

It also made me hate some people even more. Those who enjoy the suffering of others, those who plan to take advantage of others, those who willingly cause the suffering or others. I do not understand them, and I hope to never become one of them. It's tough sometimes. (Read the post from the other blog. And when I start it, I've just given you enough to find it.)

I think that's enough for now. Probably too much.

1 comment:

Edward Ott said...

I unfortuntly agree with you on people. Humans are a dangerous species.